Contest is Open to:
- Businesses
- Families
- Individuals
- Youth Organizations
- Not for Profits
- School/School Organizations
Photo Opportunity Space:
Space with a 8′ fence line to display a banner with your name/logo/QR code and a 10′ x 8′ area to set up props/decorations for the public to interact with and take pictures. Great way to advertise your cause or business. Perfect for the public to share on social media. Two options available: along the West Fence or the North Fence. Spaces are limited!
Photo Opportunity Competition:
Bring your creativity to get your space Instagram Ready!! Visitors can vote on their favorite Photo Op Set Up. On Halloween, at 6 pm, the votes will be tallied and the winners announced (live and via social media).
Winner determined by Public Voting
- 1st Place: $150 Gift Card, Trophy, AND Bragging Rights
- 2nd Place: $50 Gift Card
- 3rd Place: $25 Gift Card
Photo Opportunity Prices:
- West Fence: $150
- North Fence: $100
- Props such as hay bales, corn stalks, pumpkins will be available for pre-order at an additional cost. Props will be delivered to your photo op space.
When is it?
- Haunted Hallows Fest will be open September 25th to November 2nd
- Photo Op Display set up Saturday, September 20th through Wednesday, September 24th
- Take Down will be Monday, November 3rd to Wednesday, November 5th
- A $25 service fee will be applied if set up is not removed
- Spaces will be numbered; Please ensure you’re in the correct space prior to set up
- Only item allowed on fence is a 3’x5′ outdoor banner; banner should include your group/business/organization’s name; may also include a QR code to your website
- Use your most creative ideas with acceptable public display (should be PG rated)
- Solar Lights are highly recommended
- Please ensure sturdy construction to withstand wind, rain, and public use
- Haunted Hallows Fest reserves the right to remove material if deemed inappropriate for any reason
- Haunted Hallows Fest is not responsible for any lost, stolen, missing or damaged items